About US
South Carolina has many valuable assets for recruiting and expanding businesses. We have an abundance of natural resources that include an extensive, affordable water supply. We have many interconnecting interstate systems, international airports, dual railroad systems, low energy rates, broadband availability and wireless connectivity. Being a coastal state located half way between New York and Miami, we have not one, but three accessible ports (Charleston, Savannah and Georgetown). Institutions are in place to provide education and training to help maintain a highly skilled workforce. Our “right to work” status, coupled with a pro business legislature, make SC a fitting place for business opportunities.
For agribusiness to thrive in SC we have to expand, promote, develop and fund four sectors of our agribusiness industry. We have to create 1. a food processing, labeling and packaging component, 2. add value to our forestry and horticulture industries in the state , 3. a genomic research incubator, and 4. an agritourism/niche development industry. A pro-business environment is also crucial without overly burdensome regulations, access to capital and investment incentives, competitively priced energy, and adequate labor. Also, we need to provide incentives and technical support to the SC farmers and timberland owners who provide the agricultural and forestry crops that support our agribusiness model.
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